4 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Is Essential
If you’ve been trying to decide whether to breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby, you’ve probably read a lot of material and been inundated with other’s opinions. This is definitely a personal decision, which means you should familiarize yourself with some of the many benefits that both you and your baby can reap when you choose to breastfeed. At Mama’s Milk Wrap, we offer support through maternity, breastfeeding, postpartum, and weaning with our Nustle Wrap.

Babies aren’t born with fully mature immune systems, which means that they need the important antibodies contained in your breast milk. These antibodies help your baby fight off bacteria and viruses. When you’re exposed to viruses or bacteria, your body begins to produce antibodies that go into your breast milk.
Enhances Attachment Between Mother and Baby
When you breastfeed your baby, the skin-to-skin contact releases a number of hormones, including oxytocin. Oxytocin helps you adjust to motherhood by enhancing maternal sensitivity and responsiveness along with its anti-anxiety and anti-depressive properties. The eye contact you have with your baby when breastfeeding is another way your bond is strengthened.
Provides Ideal Nutrition
Breast milk contains everything that your baby will need for the first six months of life in the right proportions. The composition of your breast milk will even change according to your baby’s changing needs! Colostrum, produced during the first days after birth, is high in protein, low in sugar, and not replaceable by formula.
Promotes Healthy Baby Weight
Not only will breastfeeding help promote a healthy weight gain for your baby but it can also help prevent childhood obesity. Research suggests that babies who are breastfed develop different gut bacteria, which may affect fat storage.
At Mama’s Milk Wrap, we know that breastfeeding can be challenging for many women, which is why we’ve created the Nustle. This wrap helps with milk production, flow, and more. Shop our online store to find the best lactation aid today!