Hi, my name is Teran Martin and I am so excited to share with you how I came to develop the only heated pumping bra for breastfeeding moms available in today’s market. Not long ago I was a nursing mother like you are today or will be soon.
I struggled in my breastfeeding journey in many ways. I questioned if I was producing enough milk? Too am I producing too much milk? How do I stop my milk? And everything in between. In short, it was an exceedingly difficult journey with both of my children.
As a mother, I so longed to be able to provide for my littles my breastmilk and build that emotional connection with each child through the motherly love of nursing my baby.
Come to find out I had a hormone imbalance that caused my milk to continue to produce by not release out of the breasts. So, I used a rock-hard icepack and a bed sheet to help alleviate my discomfort of ceasing supply.
I knew I couldn’t be the only woman to have experienced that self-torture of ceasing production.

So I started working on a product that would provide that compression and cold therapy but without the jabbing icepacks or falling off.
I soon realized that the materials not only cool down but it heats up too but not only is it warm it is moist heat!! Then I remembered my doctor had said the best way to increase milk supply was through a hot shower…
and that’s when I realized that the Nustle had the potential to offer that moist heat similar to a hot shower and the cold compression therapy that I once longed for.
At this point, I no longer breastfeed either of my children… so I knew I had to get it out to mothers who were currently breastfeeding and get some feedback as soon as possible!! Therefore, I went and found a bunch of mothers in all stages of the breastfeeding journey who volunteered to product test the wrap!

The end results were jaw-dropping! So many women told me that their milk output in a single pumping session was double the milk verse times without the Nustle! To extended feeding times, to dramatically shorted dry up times, and so much more!! All of this fantastic success and without having to eat or drink something but simply through the application of heat or cold therapy!
I sat back and watched in complete amazement as women’s reviews begun pouring in as I never imagined that I would be the founder of such a life-changing product. This epiphany gave me direction and purpose in my life and a drive to help you succeed and cherish your breastfeeding journey!!
Even better through my journey I had my son and was to return to work when my company let me got and 4 months later we found out we were pregnant with our second around that time my husband’s company let got his entire department. So we were those parents who had a baby one on the way with no steady income. I needed lactation support but all I found at the time were professionals who cost $300 or more and to pay that fee would have literally, taken food off our table. It simply was not an option for me at the time. But through all of that hard time and development of Mama’s Milk Wrap, I am now able to offer you a one-time free 30-minute lactation consultation with one of our approved experts with every purchase of a Nustle wrap! We have an amazing team of lactation experts who simply want to support you and your success in your breastfeeding journey!!